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JAPAN PACK 2007 was completed with a great success thanks to your support.
Thank you very much for the many attending.
If you have any interest in our products, please feel free to contact our NLI offices nearby. Thank you.

Invitation for Japan Pack 2007

New Long Industrial exhibits its packaging machines to Japan Pack 2007 ( 2007 Japan International Packaging Machine Show ) , which is open at Tokyo Big Sight from 16th (Tue) to 20th (Sat), October 2007, in the shared booth together with Tsukasa Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd & Yamada Kikai Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Please step in to our booth freely, when you visit to Japan Pack 2007.


Submitted Machines

Stretch Hood Machine SH-1
Automatic Bag Closing Machine A1-PB(DS-11) + CM4900-3
 ( About their performance time, please check at our booth)
The video of the first day (1min, 1.8Mb)
Booth No.
Hall East 3, 3J18
Complimentary Ticket
Please contact to the New Long Industrial International Department. We would be pleased to send you the tickets.

Synopsis of Japan Pack 2007
地球にやさしく 人にやさしく
(Friendly to Earth, Friendly to Human )
Opening Hours

October 16 – October 19 10:00 – 17:00
October 20 10:00 – 16:00

To display both domestic and overseas packaging machinery, packaging materials, processing machinery, food machinery and their related equipments in order to contribute to the industry’s rationalization and the improvement of the national life as well as promoting the trade and contributing to the industry’s development
Tokyo Big Sight
Supported by
Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (JPMA)
Web Site





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